Max in Haiti

You want me to go where?

Monday, September 17, 2007

Still kickin'

I have no idea where to begin accounting for the last month or so. Fortunately, many of you had the supreme privilege of seeing me in person in DC and can therefore attest that I am indeed keeping it real and have not let what would normally be considered life-changing experiences in Haiti alter in any way my outlook and behavior. If it ain’t broke…

Speaking of shallowness and immaturity, below is an actual timeline of my thoughts on Friday, September 14:

6:30 am: Huh? Who? Wha?

6:45 am: Okay, I don’t really need to shave today, so I can sleep ‘til 6:55 am

7:17 am: Huh? Who? Wha?

7:32 am: This toothpaste tastes terrible

7:33 am: Wait, that’s not toothpaste…

7:56 am: You are one good looking cat

8:04 am: Please please please don’t let the UN armed personnel carriers block traffic on Delmas

8:15 am: Need. Coffee. Now.

8:25 am: Oooh, I wonder if Goff updated the Soccer Insider overnight

8:57 am: Oh yeah, Blake’s bachelor party is this weekend, huh…

9:02 am: I wonder if anyone from Sewanee is going.

9:16 am: Man, it would be fun to go. But I just came back from a weekend in the States, so I can’t go right back.

9:25 am: Well, there no like, legal reason why I can’t go to New Orleans this weekend.

9:35 am: There’s no way that I have enough American Airlines miles to get a free ride.

9:36 am: Besides, there’s no chance that they can issue a ticket on the same day.

9:47 am: Huh, I stand corrected

9:52 am: Come on, Max, this is ridiculous. You can’t just leave Haiti today to go to a bachelor party in New Orleans. You’re not even sure if anyone else you know is coming. Besides, you should save those miles to get you closer to Bali for New Years Eve

9:57 am: I bet there’ll be some really hot chicks

1:05 am (next day): Hey Blake!

I came back today from this bacchanal. Though most of my internal organs deeply regret my decision, my brain’s reptilian core is giving me a golf clap. No pictures of the party exist, and I really don’t feel like writing a 1,000 words right now, but if you picture what the best party in New Orleans must be like you’re getting close.

So instead I will post pictures of the great times that I had just a bit earlier in DC. Jill put on a house party that rocked Kalorama to the early light and I at last got to wear a sombrero on my birthday. I really didn’t expect to be able to see as many friends as I did, and was very happy to have that chance. I have no idea when I’ll be back in the city, but there is a good chance that I might return for at least an extended period of time in the Spring. Or move to New Orleans.

p.s.: I should be doing a lot of traveling over the next few weeks, so I really hope to return this blog to somewhat of a showcase of Haitian people and culture as opposed to the exercise in narcissism into which it has evolved


Blogger KSoFM said...

i dig the rosie the riveter pic.

9:28 AM  
Blogger Guillaume said...


summertime never ends on your blog...

Vive Kalorama et la 18ème, j'espère qu'on se prendra des bières là-bas un de ces 4 mec

La bise à tous

10:03 AM  
Blogger Guillaume said...

A la santé de ce diable de Beasley qui a fait très mal au lyonnais hier soir !!

Aujourd'hui j'espère que Marseille sera trop puissant pour Liverpool

4:47 AM  
Blogger Guillaume said...


3:53 AM  

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